The One-Stop Environmental Shop

“Cleansing, Waste and Pest Control Services – As Required , When Required”

“Joint Planning & Upfront Costing”

Hotel, Shop, Restaurant, Club, Pub, Office, Cafe, B&B or anywhere else

Maintain a safe & clean environment all the time, saving money through a close client relationship with just one supplier.

Watson CCS’s managed environmental management service interfaces within a suite of services (cleaning, waste and pest control) thereby delivering effective solutions to our client’s individual needs.

Removing the hassle from our customers we provide an upfront service schedule (Due diligence) which provides dates throughout an agreed period, detailing when and which services we will be providing, this is tailored to suit the client requirements.

I.e. Watson CCS could simply provide a monthly vacuuming service if a business just wanted this service or Watson CCS could supply their full package of environmental services at dedicated intervals i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly and annually to fit the customer needs.

Example Multi-Service Agreement (Cleansing, Waste and Pest control)

  • Spruce clean of high use premises – Office, Kitchen, W/C, Warehouse
  • Internal recycling, waste bin empty and place into external containers
  • Pest prevention system check
  • Window & Equipment cleaning
  • External recycling / external recycling and waste container emptied
  • Pest prevention system top up and review
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Review of recycling/waste resources
  • Visual checks of Pest Defense system such as bird prevention nettings
  • Mid reach cleaning – tops of lights, signage…
  • Recycling / Waste analysis
  • Thorough Pest analysis and report
  • Deep clean of all areas to include hard to reach areas high / confined areas – annual review and report of cleaning
    Annual report and review of waste and recycling services
  • Annual review and report on pest controls
Watson CCS also tailor these environmental packages towards the Home / Nursing Assistant Dependant – Care Plans Watson CCS is just as happy to provide one off services for either Cleaning, Waste & Pest Control Services !