Human Rights, Equality and Diversity Policy

The key purpose of this policy is to protect the human rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. This policy is communicated to all staff during the company induction, annual health and safety refreshers and periodically as may be required due to changes in legislation applicable, such as The Equality Act 2010, The Human Rights Act 1998 or any relevant code of practices. This policy is not just for employees, it is relevant to anybody and everybody as well as being a critical backbone to Watson CCS’s managed processes.

Line Managers must make themselves familiar with the EQUALITY ACT 2010 CODE OF PRACTICE.

Further guidance for obtaining information, documents and forms for employees and employers are available upon request to Watson CCS management. Watson CCS Ltd are members of the CIPD (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)

Watson C.C.S. Ltd as an employer complies with statutory obligations under Race, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Age, Gender, Human Rights, Religion and Belief. Committed in encouraging, managing and valuing Human Rights, Equality and Diversity, expressly in areas such as recruitment, promotion, training and pay (Line Managers must follow the Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice).

All employees must understand what is expected of them and practice not to treat an individual or group of people less favourably than others. Thus all employees shall treat their colleagues and clients with dignity and respect at all times. If anybody feels they has subjected to or knows of any discrimination, harassment, victimisation, any other prohibited conduct, breach of equality of terms or human rights they must report to a their line manager or any member of Watson CCS management as soon a possible and together compile an official log for further investigation, the situation may be a legal matter which could lead to investigation by an enforcing law body, further still may result in prosecution.