Environmental Enforcement

This service is to provide support services to Local Authorities (LA’s)

Giving consideration that the UK has over one million fly-tipping events a year and these statistic are also on the rise (as per fly-capture data) some LA’s unfortunately only manage to enforce around 1% of these events, which is likely to be down to either lack of resource or lack of evidence.

Unfortunately we stumble upon fly-tipping at an increasing frequency, therefore we are on hand to provide an evidence logging service to help progress a case or at least deter the culprits.

The results are always likely to be an increase in convictions and a decrease in events, this is due to the presence and publicity of the enforcers being operational in areas of concern within neighbourhoods of concern.

In the changing world security is also becoming an ever increasing threat, therefore we offer an area cleansing/security/reporting service which includes regular area patrols with direct contacts to the local police or council as required.

Watson CCS can also be available to give notices and carry out proceedings if a Local Authority requires us to, we would  work together and create a bespoke Senior Enforcement Officer tailored to fit the authorities requirements.

Fly-Tipping is not the only issues we can deal with, there are many other environmental issues such as:

  • Graffiti

  • Dog Fouling

  • Illegal Camping

  • Abandoned Cars

  • Drug Paraphernalia

  • Litter

  • Street selling

  • Contamination of wastes/recycling

  • Refuse/Recycling Collections – left out bins

  • Incorrectly presented wastes / recycling – including those illegal Trade Waste dumpers

Enforcement skills and options:

  • Legislation & Tactics

  • Investigation & Interviewing

  • Case Preparation for Effective Prosecutions

  • Strategy & Procedure

  • Body Worn Cameras


    We will partner with the local council forums and provide a representative at all meeting to supply monthly reports.

A partnership with benefits for everybody, hugely due to:

  • Public Awareness

    conscious that a major increase in enforcement is present

  • Statistics

    figures would favour towards the authority due to the influx in capacity

  • Fly-Tipping

    Decrease in occurrences, Increase in enforcement

  • Traders

    Vetted for compliance to applicable laws

  • Promotionally

    we could place serviced promotional Chewing Gum Boards in high density areas to raise awareness and reduce gum dropping.

  • Good Publicity

    Local papers, internet advertisements, boards…