Clinical Waste

Clinical waste mainly arises when:

  • a resident has a medical condition which it treated in the home, for example diabetes or is receiving post operative care,
  • an employee has a medical condition which requires treatment at work ,
  • a business has a medical centre or first aid room, or
  • a business that specialises in healthcare treatments, for example dentistry, beauty treatment or acupuncture.

Residents & Employees

This service is offered to residents or employees who have a medical condition which means they produce clinical waste during treatment. Watson CCS is able to supply yellow clinical waste sacks or sharps containers (boxes used for needles), which when full, can be collected by arrangement. Collections can take the form of either a regular collection, eg every Monday morning the crew can call to collect full containers and replace them with empty ones, alternatively, where less frequent collections are required, on request.

The collected waste is sealed into approved containers for transport. These containers are then taken for final disposal by incineration.

Watson CCS cannot collect pharmaceutical waste, eg medicines or tablets, any such waste should be returned to a dispensing chemist for disposal.

Business Premises 

In the case of business premises which either specialise in healthcare treatments or have medical facilities on site, a charge is made for the clinical waste collection and disposal service.

Watson CCS cannot collect pharmaceutical waste, eg medicines or tablets, any such waste should be returned to a dispensing chemist for disposal. Waste from laboratory cultures cannot be collected as this also requires specialist disposal.

Watson CCS can provide a feminine hygiene waste service, For more information about this service please contact the Watson CCS Collection Team on 01202 559918 or email.