Bio-Hazards / Drug Paraphernalia Removal (Clinical & Offensive Waste)
If you come across discarded needles, Watson CCS offer a complete Drug Paraphernalia Removal service which includes a complete site survey by a trained operative who will assess the requirement and dispose of the offensive items.
We will service any establishment be it a Club, Public house, Residential home, Local Authority Area, Police Authority Building, Care Home, Taxi etc.
We also provide Removal of Bio-Hazards (Clinical & Offensive Waste)
Such as clinical waste, hypodermic needles, faeces, urine, vomit and sex paraphernalia, our specialist and fully trained staff are equipped to deal with all types of waste.
Many local councils have dedicated drug and alcohol support teams. You can apply for this service if you are in need of help and support because of your dependency on drugs and alcohol, and you want to do something about it.
The National Drugs Helpline is on 0800 77 66 00. It’s a free and confidential telephone helpline, which gives information about drugs and drug abuse. It’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Drinkline, the National Alcohol Helpline, is on 0800 917 8282. It offers confidential info, help and advice, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.